
Uzhgorod can be reached by train, car or air. Daily direct flights from Kiev are available. There are direct trains connecting Uzhgorod with Kiev and Moscow. The checking point on the frontier with Hungary or Slovakia is Chop (Csap), having train connection with Budapest, Bratislava and Prague. The same is true for cars. Chop is 25 km away from Uzhgorod. The Institute of Electron Physics, home of the Conference, is located at Uzhgorod’s periphery, at the University area, close to the airport. It can be reached from any point of Uzhgorod by bus (about 3 UAH or 3 Eurocens) and taxi for only 20 UAH (2 EUR).

There are no limitations in changing money in Ukraine, the present exchange rate being about 8 UAH for 1 USD and 11 UAH for 1 EUR.